Misconfiguration in Change-password Functionality Leads to Account Takeover
Misconfiguration in Change-password Functionality Leads to Account Takeover
Hello everyone,
We are Mahmoud Radwan and Mahmoud Samaha (0x2m) and this is our first Write-Up ever.
This Write-Up describes How we could Takeover any account on a site using some misconfigurations in Change-Password Functionality.
We were testing a private program so let’s call it site.com, so let’s start our Journey.
While going throw the sandbox environment that is for testing porous (sandbox.site.com) we notice a change password function.
So we opened the Burb-Suite and intercept the request looking for any issue and we catch this request and start analyzing it
So as you can see we found this Header (X_auth_credentials) that have the same value of the parameter (current Password) in the request body which insure that,
- If you want to change your current password you must first enter your current password then enter the new password.
So we start to ask some questions,
- What about this header?
- Does the Server validate it ?
- What will happen if we remove it ?
- What if we change our email with anyone email does it change their password?
First we start to play with the request and remove both of [ The Header (X_auth_credentials) and the Parameter (‘ currentPassword ‘) ] and send the request to the server to see the response and we got a 200 OK response without any error so the server doesn’t validate on this Header 😈.
- So Now we know that we don’t need [The Header (X_auth_credentials) and the Parameter (‘currentPassword ‘)] in our request.
Again we ask how we can use this issue, Can we takeover on any account?
- We created another account (We call it victim@mail.com) and change our email with the victim email and use the same credentials of our account and send the request to the server.
- And we were surprised to see that we got a 200 OK and the response tells that the change password function completed but for whom!
- So we went to the login page and put the victim email and the credentials that we created for him (test@1234) and guess what we accessed the victim account successfully😎.
Attack Workflow:
1. Change the email to the victim email.
2. Remove [The Header (X_auth_credentials) and the Parameter (‘currentPassword ‘)].
3. Put any new password you want
4. Send the request and you got 200 OK as a response.
5. Login to the victim account with the new password and here we go you successfully accessed his account.
Full Account Takeover without any interaction from the victim.
When I reported the vulnerability to the company, they reduced the risk from P1 to P2, because I would need to know the victim’s E-Mail
Steps To Reproduce in main report :
- Login to attacker account AKA here (test1)
Email = attacker@mail.com
pass = attackerpass@1234 - Login to victim account AKA here (test2)
Email = victim@mail.com
pass = victimpass@1234 - Go to change password function in the attacker window.
- Intercept the request and send the request to Repeter.
- Remove (current password parameter and Xauthcredentials header) from the request.
- Change the attacker email to the victim email in the request body.
- Enter the new password you want AKA => (newpass@1234)
- Now I will log out from the victim account and try to log in with the new password.
- Now you get full account takeover of the victim .
Reported at April 7, 2021 12:22am
triage at Apr 8th
bounty Apr 15th $$$$